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Pixel Dungeon Tengu

среда 11 марта admin 71
Pixel Dungeon Tengu Average ratng: 7,4/10 5166 votes

TenguTengu are members of the ancient assassins clan, which is also called Tengu. These assassins are noted for extensive use of shuriken and traps.Abilities. When noticing you, Tengu yells: “Gotcha,!”.

The tengu tsuba is a reward in the Player-owned ports minigame. It is found during the 'Cross Guard' standard voyage in the Shield region, which has an adversity of 15,000 Morale, 15,000 Combat, and 15,000 Seafaring.To be able to receive this voyage, a total distance of 6,000,000 miles must have been travelled, and Exile's Point must have been unlocked.

Tengu can teleport to different areas of the room. Tengu can spawn poison in the middle of the room. Tengu will throw at the Hero/ine if the Hero/ine is not adjacent to him. When dying, Tengu yells: “Free at last.”The FightWhen the Hero/ine goes to confront Tengu, s/he is met with a chest containing an iron key. The iron key is used to open the door to the boss room. Once the Hero/ine has entered the room, s/he cannot leave until Tengu is dead.Upon entering the boss room, there will be untriggered in the middle of the room.

When the Hero/ine starts moving a step from the door, Tengu will appear. Tengu will hit the Hero/ine with multiple shurikens very accurately.

Every four or more steps, if the Hero/ine is adjacent to Tengu, Tengu will teleport to a random location in the room and activate. Pixel Dungeon Slaying Tengufull Tips. See:. that absorbs up to 15 Dmg is needed, to get through the fight. Battle bay game download.

/r/PixelDungeonThis subreddit is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions. RulesIn the vast majority of cases rule violations will result in removal of the offending content and a warning. Repeated violations may result in temporary mutes or bans. Immediate bans are only given out in extreme cases. Respectfulness.These rules are in place to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome in our community.Posts, comments, or PD versions which contain NSFW or illegal material, hate speech, personal attacks, harassment, doxxing, bullying, etc. Are all strictly forbidden.Crude or offensive language should be kept to a minimum or avoided entirely.In addition to our own rules, please follow the andDiscussion Quality.These rules are in place to keep things on topic and minimize pointless or distracting posts.All posts must directly relate to Pixel Dungeon or one of its many versions.Low-effort OC (memes, image macros, shitposts, etc) is strongly discouraged and subject to removal.Do not make a post meant specifically for a developer (such as a bug report), please PM them instead. The TenguIf you don’t have the scroll holder yet, leave your scrolls in the other room, because the Tengu will set you on fire.

He will also slow and likely paralyze you at some point as well.This is basically a battle of attrition. You will probably have to chip away at him slowly, while keeping an eye on your own health - don’t let it get too low in case you get paralyzed and can’t heal in time.As always, eat a toasted dungeon nut and a blackberry before going in.

You can splash yourself from the dew vial for the speed buff, but when you’re invisible he will jump around randomly, so it doesn’t help you get into close range.Haste and/or Furor and/or Accuracy are probably the most useful rings to have equipped if your main attack is physical. Obviously ranged attacks will be easier, whether the boomerang or a wand. An upgraded wand of Poison is extremely useful for whittling him down.If you don’t have a good ranged attack, you’ll have to follow him around.

A wand of Blink makes that easier, but you can make do without; it just means taking more hits. As long as you have some healing available, you should be able to beat him eventually.After he “dies”, he comes back instantly. Kill him again before he teleports 5 times, to get the key to his hideout (he may teleport out of the room to somewhere else on the level). It’s not hard to do, but if you don’t manage it, you can still progress normally - he drops the level key the first time he dies.

The only thing you would miss out on is one adamantite ring (there’s another you can get later) and some minor loot. If by some strange chance you haven’t done the Forest Level by this time, you can actually get the hideout key there after killing 50 or so of the gnoll archers.DM-300It’s very easy to die on this level if you are not prepared for it. The DM-300 itself is not really dangerous to you, but the robot printers will keep spawning robots, and they will kill you if you let them. Their disintegration rays will cut right through you, ignoring your armor.

If they attack you en masse, you’re done.In addition to the usual nuts and berries, you want to have at least a couple of Paralysis potions, and several Mind Vision. You may need some Healing, and it’s wise to have at least one imbued ankh just in case. The best rings for this level are probably Evasion, Furor, and Haste, but you can do without any of them if you have to, as long as you have a decently upgraded weapon or wand.Note that several utility wands can be put to creative use on this level, but for the purposes of this guide I’m taking a bare-bones approach.Stand in the doorway and eat your toasted nut and blackberry. Drink a Mind Vision potion and splash yourself from the vial, then step out. With any luck, at least one of the printers will not yet have any robots around it. Make a beeline for that one. Stand next to it (not on the diagonal), and just keep hitting it until it breaks.

This is the most dangerous time for you. If robots spawn nearby, ignore them for now and just keep an eye on your health, healing as necessary.If both printers have robots near them when you step out, go to the closest, wait for the robots to move away a little, and lob a PG potion at them. Then destroy the printer. You pretty much have to do this with a melee weapon; nothing else is fast enough.By the time you’ve destroyed the first printer, the robots from the other one should be well on their way to you.

Fortunately, they will probably still be grouped fairly close together. Splash yourself again, Then throw a PG potion. If you can manage to get the DM-300 in the cloud, good, but don’t worry about it too much. Its attacks are weak and can be safely ignored until last.Go destroy the other printer.Now, if you have a good ranged attack, such as the boomerang or an upgraded wand, the rest of this fight is laughably easy, even after the paralysis wears off. Simply stay far enough away from your targets that there is a dark “fog of war” space between you - they can’t see you, but you can still target them.

And you’ll hit every time because it’s a surprise attack. An upgraded Wand of Poison is actually super effective here - you only need to hit them once each. You may need to splash yourself occasionally to stay hasted, and you absolutely must keep Mind Vision working. The same trick works on both the robots and the DM-300.Note that robots sometimes drop scrolls of Recharging, so if you want those you should refrain from using a wand of Firebolt against them.If you are relying on melee it’s a bit trickier, but still quite doable. You need to avoid getting mass attacked by the robots. Line of sight is your enemy.

There is only one source of cover on the level - the room in the middle - but it’s enough if you’re reasonably careful. Once you have destroyed the second printer, get far enough away from the mobs that they can’t see you; as the paralysis wears off, they will wander randomly and start to spread out. Once one or two of them are isolated from the others, move in on them until they see you. Lure them to you by ducking around a corner of the central room, and waiting. Attack them when they get close.

You can keep drawing them around in circles one or two at a time, and picking them off. Heal as necessary.

If they manage to mob you, just splash yourself or drink an invisibility potion, move away, and let them scatter before starting again. Don’t bother engaging the DM-300 until the robots are all gone. He is pretty damn easy compared to them, just don’t leave him standing on one of the the trap tiles, don’t let your health get too low, and keep hitting him until he dies.Onward and downward!Previous tip:Next tip:.

I used to wait until after the Death level. If I found a lot of MI scrolls, I might throw a few onto the armor until I got something I liked. But since the latest round of updates, I usually use it just before facing Yog, when my armor is in the +13 to +15 range, if I've managed to get a decent glyph.I don't feel it's worth mining ore to get armor above +15. I mean, with the upgrade eater as it is now, you can spare the upgrades, but there's not that much ore to go around, and +13 plate is perfectly adequate. The most dangerous mobs in the game ignore armor anyway.

As I've said elsewhere,. That post is a little out of date now, but the principle still applies.