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Jewel Myth

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Mar 10, 2016  Of these 49 pets, 59% have a resistance jewel (29 pets) and 33% a damage jewel (16 pets). The remaining 4 pets have Hearty, a health opal, myth striker and a tower shield sapphire. The 16 damage jewels were spread as follows: 5 for Balance, 4 for Myth, 4. Hints, Guides and Discussions of the Wiki content related to Myth Assailant Peridot should be placed in the Discussion Topic. If the topic isn't already created (i.e. The link brings you to an empty search) then you must create the topic, using the topic naming convention explained here. Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Template:JewelInfobox/doc.

Tartarus’ HadesGear GuideHades gear drops after wizards complete the final battle in Tartarus against Hades’ the Unseen and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon. For more information on this dungeon, read Heather’s with accompanied with video.Hades drops two sets of gear. One is a long awaited update to the famous Waterworks gear. After thirty levels an upgrade gear set to that of Waterworks is introduced and it is even more difficult to get. In fact, at time of release many discussed the difficulty in getting any pieces of this gear. The other set takes a more offensive stance.

This guide will cover all hats, robes, boots and wands that are dropped. In the event you find something different, we would love to hear about it. Hades’ Offensive Gear SetThis set used to offer the highest pierce in the game at 16-30% when it was first. Yes, you read that right 2013!It gives decent school increases in accuracy by 6-14%, critical by 310-481, critical block by 70-182, and damage by 33-57%. The wand also has additional universal critical.

There is little resist (3-8%) provided on the pair of boots only, but it is universal resist. Additionally, you will have o utgoing, but no incoming and power pip chance is 21-25%. Heath is about what you would expect from 630 for Storm to 1520 for Ice with the other schools in between. All details are offered below in a side by side comparison. This set alone will provide you with a glass cannon approach to PvP. Hit them first and hit them hard before they have a chance to hit you!The Lava Lord spell is on every robe for 7 pips which is a big win mainly for Fire wizards unless you are running a mastery amulet.

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620 Fire damage to all enemies.35% accuracy to all enemies. You will cast with 75% accuracyThe Waterworks Upgrade Hades Gear SetIf you would like to see all the different names of this gear, it might be easier to look at the gear below. This set offers universal resist from 26-34% and health from 509-1285. It has incomingfrom 15-21%, but no outgoing healing. It does give universal critical block from 84-154 which is nowhere near enough for what we will face from the offensive set and other gear out there. If you will be going with this set one thing is for sure, you will be fizzling for days!It does offer pierce from 4-15% and school damage 29-57%.

The school critical is 262-354. This is a good all around set for a level 90 wizard. However, you may find it better to mix and match pieces to fit your style of PvP. On the other hand, there is Darkmoor waiting for you just 10 levels away with some truly upgraded gear. Hades’ WandsHades’ staffs have additions to universal and school critical. The majority have universal pierce while Ice has critical block.

Obviously, they are all no auction with one Power Pip and give 4 wands that deal 140 Damage depending on school. You will not be able to carry an off school Hades wand at this time.

This is bad news for those of us who use wands to remove the variety of negative charms in PvP.Storm.

Syamantaka (Sanskrit: श्यामन्तक), Syamantaka mani (Sanskrit: श्यामन्तक मणि) or the Syamantaka Jewel (Sanskrit: स्यमंतक मणि), is perhaps the most famous jewel in Hindu mythology, supposed to be blessed with magical powers.


The story of Syamantaka appears in the Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata. The jewel originally belonged to the Sun god, who wore it around his neck. It was said that whichever land possessed this jewel would never encounter any calamities such as droughts, floods, earthquakes or famines, and would always be full of prosperity and plenitude. Wherever the jewel remained, it would produce for the keeper eight bhāras of gold daily.[1] ('Four rice grains are called one guñjā; five guñjās, one paṇa; eight paṇas, one karṣa; four karṣas, one pala; and one hundred palas, one tulā. Twenty tulās make up one bhāra.') Since there are about 3,700 grains of rice in an ounce, the Syamantaka jewel was producing approximately 170 pounds of gold every day.[2] It was also the source of the dazzling appearance of the Sun god.

A gift from the Sun God[edit]

On one occasion Satrájit, a Yadava nobleman, and a devotee of Surya, the Sun God, was walking along the sea shore, praying ardently, when the god himself appeared before him. Seeing the god in an indistinct and dazzling fiery shape, Satrájit asked him to appear in a less blinding form, so that he could see him clearly. For this, the Sun God took the Syamantaka jewel off his neck, and Satrájit saw him of a dwarfish stature, with a body like burnished copper, and with slightly reddish eyes. Having offered his adorations, the Sun God offered him a boon, and he asked for the jewel. When Satrájit returned to Dwarka with the jewel, people mistook him for the Sun God, such was his dazzling glory that even Krishna asked him to present the jewel to Ugrasena, the supreme leader of the Yadavas, but Satrájit did not comply.

Jewel Myth

Theft and recovery[edit]

Satrajit and Prasena with the Symantaka Mani

Satrajit later presented it to Prasen, his brother, who was also the ruler of a Yadava province. Prasen wore it often, until once while hunting in the forest while wearing it, he was attacked by a lion, which killed him and fled with the jewel. But it couldn't get away with it, for shortly after, it was attacked by Jambavant, described as king of the 'bears' or 'gorillas' according to different scriptures, who killed it after a fierce fight and took off with the bounty. Jambavant was loyal to Rama, and was considered one of the seven immortals or Chiranjeevi.

Now there was a rumour that Lord Krishna also had an eye on the Syamantaka jewel and when the incident of Prasen's mysterious disappearance became public, the people accused Krishna of murder and theft. In order to prove his innocence, Krishna sought to find out the true culprit and recover the jewel. As he followed on the trail of the deceased Prasen, he came to the spot where the corpses of Prasen and his horse still lay, along with pieces of teeth and nails of a lion. From there he followed the footsteps of the lion, which led him to the spot of the second struggle, where the corpse of the lion was lying. From there, he followed the tracks of a bear, which finally led him to the entrance of Jambavan's cave, where the latter's children were playing with the priceless jewel. Thereafter, he engaged in furious, protracted combat with Jambavan for 28 days, and Jambavan gradually grew tired. As he was the strongest living entity at that time, he wondered who could be weakening him. It was then that Jambavan realized that he had been sparring with none other than Sri Rama himself. Jambavan, who was hot-headed but pious by nature, returned the jewel to Krishna, who later married Jambavati, Jambavan's daughter.

Krishna's marriage to Satyabhama[edit]

Meanwhile Krishna's companions, having waited twelve days for Krishna to come out of the cave, returned to Dwaraka despondent. All of Krishna's friends and family members became extremely sorrowful and began regularly worshiping Goddess Laxmi to assure the Lord's safe return. Even as they performed this worship, Krishna entered the city in the company of His new wife. He summoned Satrajit to the royal assembly and, after recounting to him the entire story of the Syamantaka jewel's recovery, gave the jewel back to him. Satrajit accepted the jewel, but with great shame and remorse. He went back to his home, and there he decided to offer Lord Krishna not only the jewel but also his three daughters Satyabhama, Vratini and Prasvapini so as to atone for the offense he had committed against the Lord's lotus feet. Sri Krishna accepted the hand of Satrajit's daughters, Satyabhama, who was endowed with all divine qualities, Vratini of firm vows and Prasvapini.[3] But the jewel He refused, returning it to King Satrajit.

Deaths of Satrajit and Satadhanwa[edit]

Krishna on horseback

After a few days, Krishna and Balarama were off to Hastinapura after there were rumours that the Pandavas have been burnt to their deaths in a fire. Kritavarma, Akrura and Satadhanwa, who had their eyes on the dazzling jewel, conspired to make use of Krishna's absence from Dwaraka as an opportunity. Satadhanva one night entered the house of Satrajit and killed him in his sleep, making off with the jewel.

A sorrowful Satyabhama rushed to Hastinapura to inform Krishna about the ghastly death of her father. Krishna and Balarama immediately started for Dwaraka to avenge Satrajit's death, hearing of which Satadhanwa fled on his horse, keeping the jewel with Akrura. He was chased down by Krishna and Balaram and finally killed by Krishna near Mithila. Later Krishna returned to Dwaraka, and upon realizing that Akrura had already fled to Kashi with the Syamantaka jewel, summoned him up, and asked him to admit his guilt. When Akrura complied, Krishna let him keep it, on the condition that it was to remain in the city of Dwaraka.

Identification Theories[edit]

The Puranas or the Mahabharata do not say what happens to the gem after Krishna leaves the material world. There has been many attempts in identifying the true jewel and its existence in the modern Indian society.

However, some speculate that the legendary Syamantaka Mani might be in fact the famous Koh-i-Noor diamond, which was known to have been in the possession of the Mughal emperors of India, followed by the Sikh empire, and currently one of the Crown Jewels of England under the current monarch queen elizabeth ii.

Whether the Syamantaka Gem is actually the Koh-i-Noor diamond is unknown. The Koh-i-Noor, of course, does not match the superlative descriptions of the Syamantaka, and considerable poetic license would have to be assumed.

Srīmad-Bhāgavatam (Bhāgavata Purāṇa)

(SB10.34.30)Lord Govinda chased the demon wherever he ran, eager to take his crest jewel. Meanwhile Lord Balarāma stayed with the women to protect them.

(SB10.34.31)The mighty Lord overtook Śaṅkhacūḍa from a great distance as if from nearby, my dear King, and then with His fist the Lord removed the wicked demon’s head, together with his crest jewel.

(SB10.34.32)Having thus killed the demon Śaṅkhacūḍa and taken away his shining jewel, Lord Kṛṣṇa gave it to His elder brother with great satisfaction as the gopīs watched.

(SB10.56.45)The Supreme Personality of Godhead told Satrājit: We do not care to take this jewel back, O King. You are the sun-god’s devotee, so let it stay in your possession. Thus We will also enjoy its benefits.

Syamantaka Ruby or Shyamantaka Blue Sapphire?[edit]

A common mistake of spelling it wrongly as 'Shyamantaka' has led to the incorrect idea that Syamantaka was a sapphire (Saturn's gem). Also according to Jyotish or Planetary Gemology, Ruby is the gem of the Sun in the Navaratna.

Two verses from the Bhagavat Purana, which describe Satrajit wearing the gem given to him by Surya, the Sungod show that Syamantaka is a ruby.

“Wearing the jewel on his neck, Satrajit entered Dwaraka. He shone as brightly as the sun itself, O King, and thus he went unrecognized because of the jewel's effulgence”. – Ref. SB 10.56.4
“As the people looked at Satrajit from a distance, his brilliance blinded them. They presumed he was the sun-god, Surya”. – Ref. SB 10.56.5

The evidence and logic indicate that Syamantaka was a ruby.[4][5][6]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Syamantaka gold production weight'. Retrieved 2015-04-09.
  2. ^Apte, V.S. (1970). Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Motilal Banarsidas – Delhi, India.
  3. ^'Harivamsa ch.38, 45–48'.
  4. ^'Syamantaka spelling'. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2009-02-09.
  5. ^'Syamantaka Story'. Retrieved 2009-02-09.
  6. ^Brown (October 2007). Ancient Astrological Gemstones & Talismansfirst=Richard Shaw. Hrisikesh Ltd. ISBN978-974-8102-29-0.

External links[edit]

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