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Greedfall Companions

пятница 27 марта admin 35
Greedfall Companions Average ratng: 7,6/10 2119 votes

The wits of you and your companions are just as important as your prowess with a blade, and wise diplomacy, stealth, science or a well-used skill may negate the need for combat. The world of GreedFall is home to numerous factions, each with their own beliefs, territories, goals, allies and enemies. New world order agenda stages.

All CompanionsThere are a total of six different companions in Greedfall, coming from different factions in the world. Don’t expect all of them to get along either. In fact, you may find that some of them refuse to go on missions with others. It’s up to you which companions and factions you choose to butter up, so it’s worth getting to know them all before you commit.

Here’s the full list of companion locations in Greedfall. KurtKurt is a member of the Coin Guard faction who is proficient in melee combat and heavy armor. You come across him at the start of the game and improve your craftsmanship through his help. He’s a great choice for frontline combat.

VascoVasco is a member of the Nauts faction and the captain of your ship. You will encounter him right after arriving at New Serene.He doesn’t have the best protection but this duelist makes up for it with his amazing agility and proficiency with pistols. You can increase your Intuition skill through him. PetrusThis Theleme missionary is great for close and distant combat due to this ability to wear different armor sets. He yearns to become a Cardinal someday. A long-range magic user from the Theleme Faction, Petrus can join your party after you complete the main mission in San-Matheus to get him on your side.

Work on your friendship to earn a boost to your Charisma. ConstantinYou encounter your cousin Constantin after you arrive in New Serene. He will go away for a bit. When you meet up with him later in the story he can join as a companion. AphraAphra is a member of the Bridge Alliance who is great for long-range combat due to her expertise in firearms and explosives.

You’ll meet her when you meet the faction.Unlike most companions, Aphra from the Bridge Alliance won’t become available until you delve a bit further into the game. You’ll need to beat both the Old Countries in a New World and Scholars in the Expedition main story mission quests, which you can start by visiting the embassies. SioraSiora represents the Native faction and provides great support due to her proficiency with magic that allows her to heal you. She restores HP and armor while also being able to handle herself in a fight with-one handed blades.Once you get to New Serene, your cousin will tell you to speak with the natives. She’ll become a member of your Greedfall party from there. Similar Posts:.

In GreedFall, you’ll be accompanied on your journey by a number of companions. But can you level them up? Here’s everything you need to know.GreedFall, from Spiders (they’re not real spiders) is an action role-playing game which, despite being set in an alternate fantasy world, mirrors the conquest of America by various nations. We gave it an 8/10, calling it anThe game gives you five companions who, apart from being optional love interests, are pretty useful – even though you can’t command them directly in combat.

But can you level them up in the same way you can improve your own stats and skills? Sure, it’s great that Petrus can hurl magic, but it’d be even better if you could level him up into a magical tank who can incinerate all enemies who cross your path.Unfortunately that’s not an option; you can’t level up or alter the abilities of any of your characters in GreedFall. You can change their weapons and clothes, however. Go to your inventory screen then hit left or right on the controller to make sure they’re carrying the most powerful equipment. But you can’t level the characters up as you can in Dragon Age, so they’re always going to stay at the same ability and power level.More GreedFall guides.