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New World Order 2020

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Everything that has been recently happening, is leading up to a new world order!! Check it out. Howto & Style. and safeguard the principles of the liberal world order.' But did not March 2020 prove the superior wisdom of Alexander Hamilton: 'Every nation ought to endeavour to possess within itself all.

By Fr George AdimikeBy means of the arresting appeal of the New World Order conspiracy theory, the evil one seeks to entrap the world. Many pseudo prophets and demagogues have taken over the rostrum of the information superhighways and various social media platforms, marshalling out claims, which are generally unfounded.Being experts in the manipulation of facts and hearts, they confound the public with their false and firebrand messages containing a mixed grill of diagnosis and solutions to the present crisis that even some of the knowledgeable are swept off their stead. They misuse Scriptural data and wrongly mix them up with historical facts that lead away from the truth. In their vainglorious claims, they take the name of the Lord in vain without qualms of conscience.

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Like the Gnostics of old, they claim esoteric knowledge and arrogantly arrogate to themselves the power to penetrate God’s mind (cf Rom 11:34; 1 Cor 2:11) as if they have been appointed members of God’s Advisory Council.These alarmists regurgitate old narratives about the New World Order and present them as imminent ‘Armageddon’. This conspiracy theory, which has been current for decades, claims that a certain occultic power elite, often linked to the so-called Illuminati, have an inimical globalist plan of a totalitarian nature that will undermine the sovereignty of nations. Accordingly, it will inaugurate a One World Government with One World Religion marked by totalitarianism and with enormous socio-economic ramifications.The purveyors of this conspiracy theory hold that the cabal of the New World Order foresees its inauguration as the apotheosis of history and the climax of its development. Indeed, this New World Order conspiracy theory is fed by the fusion of the currents of the ultra-conservative and radical anti-government right of the left American ideologues and the apocalyptic-minded Christian fundamentalists of the end-time obsession appeal.Naturally, the accused by these theorists are always organizations with global spread, influence and authority, since they are generally far right-ultra-nationalist populists or radical-fundamentalist-circumscribed Christian groups.

Hence, it is not uncommon to see the United Nations and the Catholic Church, which are the two genuinely global bodies being accused as the architects of this so-called New World Order. For the fundamentalist Christian wing of the theorists, Pope after Pope has been accused of being the master-mind of this global agenda. READ ALSO:According to them, One World Religion and One World Government funded and driven by the so-called esoteric minority power elite, the so-called Illuminati, spell this New World Order of the Anti-Christ. Incidentally, in the minds of many, any successful individual in the world, especially of global stature, belongs to this elitist club, the Illuminati. In their assumption, the Illuminati rule the world.The above situation ordinarily will challenge the faith and reason of a faithful Christian who knows that Christ will not abandon his world to the devil, who prowls in search of someone to devour (cf 1 Pet 5:8; John 10:10). However, it beats ratiocination and imagination to accept that Christ is defeated and schemed out to the margins of the world he redeemed.Nunquam! It constitutes a big struggle to place Psalm 24:1 (the Lord’s is the earth and all its fullness) within the structure and scheme of this conspiracy theory.

Free running 2 game miniclip. The fact that the devil thrives in fear-mongering to disorient and disorganise people is an absolute certainty that needs to be acknowledged at this moment. Rightly so, God’s gifting of the human person with the dominion over the world (cf Gen 1:28) as the One whose gifts are irrevocable (cf Rom 11:29) imbues man with the capacity to thrive and flourish. As such, it becomes a counterpoint to attributing superlative success to the evil one.Notwithstanding, these ‘men of gods’ employing biblical literalism manipulate the Bible by proof-texting. In their eisegesis (projecting onto), they shop for passages similar to their presuppositions to justify their prejudices and hypotheses and thus fund their narratives.

By so doing, they force the Scriptures to fit within their mindset or preconceived ideas.They relate with the Scriptures with an attitude of masters who manipulate it according to the rubric of circumstances and not as humble servants who submit to the school of the Word to learn from the Master by the Spirit. With this cafeteria-like attitude, these false prophets pick and choose from the Scriptures, thereby doing violence to the Word of God.

In their manipulative disposition, they fail to take the Bible as a unit wherein the Scripture interprets Scripture knowing that the letter is of no avail, but the Spirit of the Word gives life (cf John 6:63; 2 Cor 3:6).These demagogues, in the name of the Gospel, harm faith and do a disservice to religion. In their ignorance or arrogance or both, they dish out falsehoods, half-truths and manipulated facts, which eventually do not approximate to the truth. This unfortunate time of Coronavirus pandemic has offered them a rostrum to unleash their jaundiced messages to the unsuspecting public. Unfortunately, they confuse many.And many overzealous Christians join the fray without understanding the crux of the matter. This piece is necessary because not everyone is equally gifted with mental rigour or enough information to see through the demagoguery and process their lies. It serves as a critical caveat to my fellow simple Christians to beware of these merchants of fear, who turn the Maranatha hope into paranoid despair with their rhetorical skill, passion and promise.

They are false prophets, whose stock in trade is panic as they prowl around in this challenging moment.In the end, it should not escape our attention that those who create narratives rule the world. The Catholic Church means universal, and her global ministry translates her true identity, which is unconnected with any so-called New World Order.The Popes understand that religion should be a force for good and an instrument for building a fellowship of God’s children and not an agency of division, strife and war.Sequel to the role of religion to teach humanity the value of life, dignity of human person and liberty of the children of God, the Church led by the Papacy has been spending herself to lead by example. Religions cannot support wars in the name of God of peace, and they cannot promote hatred in the name of God of love.Indeed, the Popes see themselves as the embers of truth, love and peace that will fire the world into a new civilization of love, hermeneutic of peace and culture of life. In likewise, Popes, in appreciation of their mission as bridge-builders, find creative ways to unite people of different creeds and cultures. Precisely, being a Pontiff (from Latin Pontifex meaning bridge maker) imposes a bridge-building mission on the Popes – the Supreme Pontiffs (Supreme bridge-builders).Hence, Popes of recent memory, namely, Pius XII, St John XXIII, St Paul VI, St John Paul II and Benedict XVI, left no turn unstoned in promoting global peace and geopolitical dialogue. Visiting the United Nations in 1965, St Paul VI proclaimed that the Church is an expert in humanity and the Papacy of St John Paul II was an eloquent testimony to that.On October 27, 1986, St John Paul II convened the meeting of world religions and a day of prayer for peace in Assisi, Italy, in which most Christian denominations and 11 non-Christian religions participated. Other Popes have been following the tradition.Benedict XVI initiated The Courtyard of the Gentiles as a global cultural counter-offensive for dialogue with the atheists, secularists and non-believers.

Presently, Pope Francis is continuing in their footsteps.When he promotes universal fraternity with the Muslims and encourages the diffusion of education to the remotest parts of the world (Education: the Global Compact), he is only embodying the gospel values and living in the footsteps of his predecessors. Similarly, the same applies to his diplomacy of encounter through which he preaches respect for human dignity and justice for all, including the immigrants. Whoever misconstrues it as New World Order is either ignorant or mischievous.To conclude, those who deceive others have a price to pay depending on the degree of their knowledge.

Christianity is already a new world order in which Christ exercises dominion over the world, any other thing to the contrary comes from the evil one. Beware of those who preach the contrary gospel and beware of the false prophets (cf Matt 7:15) who make false accusations and allegations.

Christ is the new order, and we are his own.Fr George

By CP Gurnani, MD and CEO, Tech MahindraAmidst the socio-economic disruptions caused by COVID-19, the human race is simultaneously also learning to adapt to the newly emerging systems and processes. I am reminded of the mythological story of ‘Samudra Manthan’ or the ‘churn of the ocean of milk’ mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures. The churn is a battle fought between the gods and the devils in order to obtain ‘Amrita’ – the nectar of immortal life. That battle is similar to the one the world is facing today, where we are all fighting the COVID-19 devil to protect our lives and ensure the well-being of the human race.There is a similar looming uncertainty, distress and fear for life. In fact, much like the poison initially spilling from this churn, the pandemic is also throwing its challenges towards us – in terms of loss of life, global economy slowdown, mass panic and distress, the need to adapt to new business models, to name a few. However, the churn will ultimately enable us to re-structure our priorities, and ways of living and working to define a new world order. It will help us get ‘Amrita’, by making us aware of the fundamental priorities, including – the importance of building a sustainable world, focusing on healthcare and general hygiene, leveraging technology to enable new ways of working.The common cause of finding a solution to COVID-19 has brought together individuals, institutions, communities, governments and society at large.

New world order agenda stages

Looking at such collaborative initiatives, I get a sense of optimism, since my conviction is that the advanced knowledge of technology and ingenuity will help the global population to fight and defeat this viral attack. One may argue that it may take some time before an antidote is found; meanwhile, alternative systems and approaches can be developed, that will not only help manage the current crisis but also create new ways of doing business in future.GLOBAL IMPACT AND WHAT DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ARE DOING TO COUNTERMEASUREMeasures taken by various countries to counter COVID-19 has set a few benchmarks. It provides a few options for agriculture, manufacturing and other industry businesses, to conduct their operation in the face of such crisis. Singapore, for instance, has an aggressive contact tracing effort and legal authority to order people into quarantine. In Italy, the country’s whole population of 60 million has been restricted from travelling out of their homes, except for urgent healthcare or work reasons.

Schools and universities, as well as public gatherings, have been banned until further orders. Similarly, India, United States, China, European Union, United Kingdom and African countries have shown solidarity in this time of global crisis.

All of them are exploring the alternate methods, systems and process to ensure that there is business continuity.In fact, this ‘ Samudra manthan’ is showing signs of new trends and opportunities as well.HealthcareUS agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are encouraging people who feel unwell to first talk to doctors remotely, by video or phone, to avoid filling waiting rooms. Imagine the comfort with such a permanent healthcare system for patients in a country like India, travelling from distant places for specialized health services. Telemedicine in India is currently at a nascent stage.

Systems like those adopted by US administration to counter COVID-19, when powered with the network of the future – 5G, will give a tremendous boost to telemedicine in India. It will also open up opportunities for entrepreneurs to set up back-end operations in remote, inaccessible and remote parts of India, which in turn would also create job opportunities.EducationThe Kerala government has announced that it will provide extra 5G bandwidth across the state, as it expects more people to work and learn online amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

All school districts in New Jersey have prepared for remote classes in case, schools needs to be closed. A colleague spent all of last week testing systems with students at homes for online learning. E-learning, without any doubt, is in the limelight.

Could this be the new future of school education? I am sure it would be the new normal, even after the world and India can mitigate the effects of COVID-19.AgricultureIn the US and a few other parts of the world, robots are already doing farm work. With the breakout of COVID-19, it has gained more traction and robots have replaced a slew of farming activities. In agriculture, 5G can further enable improvement in the entire value-chain, from precision farming, smart irrigation, improved soil and crop monitoring, to livestock management. 5G technologies’ promise of expanding and accelerating connectivity without sacrificing battery life will be particularly beneficial to farmers, and is already improving veterinary diagnostics, crop protection, reduction of fertilizer use and smart irrigation systems that conserve water.Remote WorkingDuring my last visit to the US, the numerous conversation I had, were centered around COVID-19.

I must admit that there is a perceptible change in the way we socialize, work and commute. But the significant changes are already visible. The ‘workplace of future’ is ever-evolving and gradually shifting to accommodate new ideas, technology and working arrangements. In addition to encouraging our employees to work from home, we have also deferred all our internal events which required large gatherings and encouraged everyone to leverage technologies like – Tele-Presence and Video Conferencing adequately. Industry reports before COVID-19 outbreak estimated the value of enterprises video conferencing at $4.48 billion by 2023, but now it could touch that figure in 2020. This is a clear indicator of a new trend that will enable and support work from remote locations.I see a new set of options that have emerged out of managing the COVID-19.

Some of these practices are going to stay, having demonstrated their utility in terms of better hygiene and health, higher productivity, environment sustainability, sensible economics, optimum use of technology.