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Epoch Time

воскресенье 19 апреля admin 8
Epoch Time Average ratng: 7,3/10 3507 votes

Choose the Right Synonym for epoch, mean a division of time. May designate an extent of time of any length.periods of economic prosperity applies to a period begun or set off by some significant or striking quality, change, or series of events.the steam engine marked a new epoch in industry suggests a period of history marked by a new or distinct order of things.the era of global communications is used frequently of a fairly definite period dominated by a prominent figure or feature.the age of Samuel Johnson.


Epoch: In a computing context, an epoch is the date and time relative to which a computer's clock and timestamp values are determined. My free virus protection on this pc. The epoch traditionally corresponds to 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on a specific date, which varies from system to system. Most versions of Unix, for example.