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Creatures 3 Downloads

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Creatures 3 Downloads Average ratng: 6,2/10 4281 votes

Creatures 3 Freeware. Live gene manipulation system (LiveGMS) v.20120104. LiveGMS is a PHP/MySQL driven gene editor for the game Creatures 3 / Docking Station. It provides a platform independent online editor with most features other binary genetics editors.

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  1. Creatures
4.07 / 5 - 15 votes

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Description of Creatures Windows

Creatures, a really nice simulation game sold in 1996 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Also available on Mac, time to play a puzzle elements video game title.

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Comments and reviews

Quil the Great2019-02-010 point Windows version

In case anyone is wondering, this game works fine on a Windows XP SP3 virtual machine in virtual box. I'm not sure about the versions here, but my old CD always worked fine.

Star2018-05-151 point

You all should look into Oracle VM and running/installing 95/98 (You can install newer) and trying the old programs. Of course these old games wont play on a non-dos based operating system. Its not that the files are broken. You just need the old system or a custom emulator. (Search for it. So many step by step walk throughs. Doesnt take too long. ) Anyways. Enjoy. Im going to check out this and other games. Im loving the nostalgia.

DAS2018-04-061 point

I miss this game so much

bee2017-08-190 point

I downloaded the pc version on my pc and the mac version on my mac. Neither of them work. Please fix, I'd really love to play this game.

Norni2017-04-180 point

Is suprised to see this game around HERE O.o
Also - does it excist in english for windows?

Effy2017-03-160 point

I LOVED this game as a kid.
Too bad the file is corrupted :c Won't let you unzip it all the way. Really looked forward to playing this again

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Creatures is available a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. provide the best releases and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide.

Game Extras and Resources

Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Creatures, we have the following files:

Other Releases

Creatures was also released on the following systems:


  • Year:1996
  • Publisher:GT Interactive Software Europe Ltd.
  • Developer:Cyberlife Technology, Ltd.

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Contents.Introduction Hello there, I'm, and welcome to the world of & (abbreviated to C3DS), a weird and wonderful world where you are charged with looking after the titular creatures that inhabit it.This year, Creatures 3 is 20 years old. I myself was a mere 6 years old when this game came out and let me tell you, the game has only managed to grow in that time. Over the years the community has pushed this venerable title to new limits and continues to do so to this day.Now we here in the Creatures Community (CC) love this series, but I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say it definitely has a few bugs and oversights.This guide is here to help!

Many of the advancements the community has made have fixed bugs, gotten broken mechanics working again, and even added more depth with just a few key changes to the original code (never mind the brand new add-ons that have been created)!Another important thing to note about this guide is that it should be considered a “living” document, and as such it will be continually updated with new information, different add-ons, all that lovely jazz.Getting Started This guide will be assuming you're running on Windows 10, which you can buy from GoG. The process of installing the game and add-ons is much the same regardless of the version you are playing.When installing Creatures Exodus, it is very important that you install the game to (Drive Letter):DocumentsCreatures.

This is not the default setting, which is unfortunate as not doing this will cause some strange behaviour, largely the game being unable to find the files it requires to run certain add-ons! For this reason, if you intend to use GoG Galaxy, I would highly recommend installing the game through the standalone.exe file. This is what the installer should look like before hitting install:After you have done this, you can point GoG Galaxy to the correct folder.It is also recommended you install the if you intend to run 3rd party programs in the future, such as the Genetics Kit.IMPORTANT NOTE: At the time of writing there appears to be an issue with the GoG Standalone version of the installer. This will point almost all registries to /documents/creatures / instead of the correct location. The only way to fix this appears to be editing the registry.We’re nearly done with the bare minimum setup.

At this point Creatures 3 will be playable, but not Docking Station? Sadly the official servers were shut down a long time ago, and originally DS required an account to even get into the game world! Sounds like we’re in more trouble than a in the, right?

As you have probably seen a mile away, absolutely not! The industrious folks in the CC have created a workaround, called (funnily enough). Whilst we are doing this, we will also install. This add-on will help us make sure everything is installed correctly. Our first add-ons, exciting!So how do we install these? This process may seem a little daunting at first, but it’s actually super easy. We’ll install Catalogue Tester first as this consists of only one file, Catalogue Test.agents.First, open up the install location for DS, which should be DocumentsCreaturesDocking Station.Then, open up folder for Catalogue TesterCopy the.agents file over to the “My Agents” folder.And that’s it, we’ve just installed our first add-on!

Normally I would suggest testing it out, but we still cannot get into Docking Station. To fix this we will now install DS Offline Option.Open up DS OfflineOption.zipYou will see the files offlinelogin.c16 and zzzgamestartlogin.cos. Neither of these, as I’m sure you’ve very cleverly worked out, are.agents files!

The.c16 file is an image file, and the.cos file contains code.The.c16 file needs to be placed in “Images”. The.cos file, however, must be placed in “Bootstrap010 Docking Station”.For the above to work, you need to create a new world!And that’s it, we’re all done! The game is now playable. If you are using GoG Galaxy, you will need to select Docking Station from the drop-down menu on the game’s page. If you are launching the game directly, you need to ensure that any shortcuts link to “engine.exe”.At this point, you will want to boot the game up.

You will be prompted to create a new world. After doing so, the game will load and you will start in Docking Station’s, with a window asking you to log in.

Obviously, you can’t do this, however, we have added a new button in this window, in between the tick and the cross. This is our “start in offline mode” button!Once you have clicked that button, you’ll be taken to the, and another window will be presented to you. Select whatever option you want here, although if you’re brand new and intend to play around a while first I would suggest the starter norns.Once you’ve done this navigate back to the Hub, either by clicking on the door on the far right of the middle level or by scrolling with the mouse wheel.

In the Hub, click the middle door, and you will be taken to the.Click on the Agent List button, the cube looking icon fourth down in the list, and you will be presented with a list of your current injectable agents. Click on “Catalogue Tester”, and click the big green tick. Soon a window should pop up confirming the game is unpacking Catalogue files in the correct place.

If it says it is not, then something has gone wrong with the install, please refer to Common Issues at the end of this guide.Assuming everything has proceeded correctly, congratulations! You’ve just injected your first agent. Give yourself a cookie!At this point, you can go ahead and play the game for a while if you like. There is one last thing I like to do before playing, however, which will make the experience much more pleasant at modern resolutions. You will want to download an application called.

Extract and run the application, then in your toolbar, right click on the application and then “Add Window” whilst running Docking Station (alternatively F3 should work). The game window should lose its borders, at which point you will need to right click on the application again and this time click “SettingsGame Settings”. You should then have a window that looks like this:Set the resolution to your screen resolution, and I recommend ticking “Manage mouse”. Your game should now automatically run in borderless windowed mode whilst this application is running! If it doesn’t, you will simply need to hit apply again in these settings.Recommended Fixes and Addons This part of the guide will list out some recommended mods and agents to improve your play experience.

These are split into three categories; Essential, Recommended and Advanced.Essential add-ons are mods that are considered to fix critical issues and make important improvements within the game, and so this guide will be assuming that you are installing these. You don’t have to of course, but I would highly recommend it.Recommended add-ons are add-ons that I found interesting and that have been recommended by the wider community.

These might be extra tools to make life easier or fun toys for your creatures to play with. Everything here should be considered optional for this guide.Advanced add-ons are additions that are useful, and even recommended, but are complex to use, very powerful, or require a bit of in-depth setup, or all three!

Everything here is also considered optional.To save space later on, here is a quick rundown of where to install any files you may encounter:. files, the most common, go in “My Agents”.

and files go in “Images”. files go in “Bootstrap/010 Docking Station” (For Docking Station) or “Bootstrap/ 001 World” (For Creatures 3). files go in “Catalogue”. and files so in “Sounds”In addition, it is important to install agents to their correct game.

If it is marked as C3, the agent must be installed in the Creatures 3 folders. If it is marked DS, it must be installed in the Docking Station folders.

If it is marked C3/DS, I would personally install them in Docking Station folders, just to make sure everything is working correctly in a docked world. If for whatever reason you wish to play Creatures 3 standalone, these can be installed to the Creatures 3 folders, as long as they don’t rely on any Docking Station files themselves (and if they do, they should be marked DS anyway!)If in doubt, the agent’s readme file will likely contain install instructions or a member of the community will more than likely be available to help!Patches. EssentialAdvanced tip: I would extract the contents of any.agents files in this section with (part of ) in order to avoid having to go through a lengthy world set up each time.

Do bear in mind however that some agents may not work like this regardless, at least in my experience. BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL FILES! In fact, you should probably do that anyway. C3 Aquarium Patch:The C3 Aquarium Patch is a series of.cos files that make life in the of the more sustainable, and allow your creatures to interact with the plants and animals within.- Download:. C3 Aquarium Update:The C3 Aquarium Update is a small update that lowers the floor above the fish nursery entrance to stop baby creatures getting stuck, and in general allow non-swimming creatures to explore better.- Download:. C3 Desert Terrarium Updates:The C3 Desert Terrarium Updates fix a variety of issues in the of the Ark.

Populations should be more stable, all seeds and critters will be injected to the desert level instead of underground, and no critters or seeds should be able to escape to the levels below.- Download:. C3 Display Map Update:A simple fix that makes the map in the track creatures in all rooms correctly.- Download:. C3 Edible, Squishable Balloon Bugs:Does what it says on the tin, it makes the interactable and edible. This will overwrite files provided by C3 Desert Terrarium Updates: this is fine!- Download:. C3 Fungi Update:Makes the produce 5 spores instead of 1, making them much more prolific!- Download:.

C3 Map Update:This update fixes a few issues with the Ark, including stopping Creatures hurling themselves to their doom from the platforms in the as well as stopping critters trying to live in the tunnels below, and fixes an issue in the Marine Terrarium.- Download:. C3 Meerk Update:This update gives the a bit more life and interactivity and fixes a glitch in the game related to it. This agent is reliant on Edible, Squishable Balloon Bugs seed bank update to work!- Download:.

C3:This series of.cos files fix a few small issues in the game. We will only be using the, and files.- Download:. C3:The rocks blasted out of the were classified as toys, but didn’t do anything. This makes the rocks entertaining to play with now, as to not confuse Creatures.- Download:.

C3 Rhino Beetle Respawn (Limited):This file gives the in the Jungle Terrarium a chance to survive. This is a modified file limiting the maximum number of beetles to 10.- Download:. C3 Water Plants RFAG:This agent creates extra of the type found in the Norn Terrarium pond in the Jungle Terrarium pond and the Desert Pond. A version without the Desert Terrarium plant is included for use with the Desert Nursery (included later in this guide as a Recommended Addon).- Download:. C3 Weather Patch:This patch forms the basis of the next weather patch and is very important! It adds light and heat emitters all over the place and helps create actual weather in Terrariums other than the Norn Terrarium.

The environmental controls are now more than decoration!- Download:. C3 TWB/TCB Weather Patch:This addition to the Weather Patch makes the Ark much more habitable for the / species of creatures featured in this guide. Most rooms are warmer, including the Bridge and a big increase for the Desert, the Marine Terrarium is no longer affected by seasons, and most temperature controls will begin one step higher.- Download:. C3/DSThis patch allows for larger to be used by the game.- Download:.

C3DSGives and a smell that norns can detect, using 0. This will be invaluable for your and other carnivorous breeds.- Download:. C3DSGives a smell, using CA 19, so creatures can find them when out of sight.- Download:. C3DS Non-Hypnotic Awkwood Creeper:This agent fixes creatures getting mesmerised by the by making the food invisible and smell-less until it drops from the vine. The vine itself is now also invisible, as creatures were found to stare at that for long periods of time, for whatever reason.

This requires the Pack to work!- Download:. C3DS:A handy little tool that gives creatures brains a prod now and then to help get them out of any weird loops they may be in, such as the infamous. This agent may cause lag on very large populations, so if you are having issues with that, this may be the culprit.- Download:. C3DS:Creatures leaving a room try to find a door, whereas the was classed as an, resulting in lost creatures. This reclassifies the umbilical cord as a.

Naturally, this is only for docked worlds.- Download:. C3DS:This is a large collection of.cos files to help balance out and maintain life in the C3. There have been a couple of reports of this not working in Creatures 3 standalone if it is not the Exodus version of the game (C3 Exodus uses Docking Station’s engine, which this seems to rely on).- Download:.

DS:This agent pack includes a few very useful and interesting changes to the game. At a minimum, this guide expects the user to have installed the Activate 1 & 2 Separation file, Bacteria Revamp Dish, and Detritus Smell, but the other files are recommended too.- Download:.:Allows adult to use the DS lifts!- Download:. DS:In vanilla Docking Station, accidentally make a beeping sound when touched. This restores the original sound from Creatures 3.- Download:. DS Non-Hypnotic Scurvy Fighting Bramboo:This is a mix of three fixes.

Advanced. C3 History Update:This change makes, in my opinion, a huge improvement to the Creature History Screen. It shows more events in the life of your Creatures, more information on their origin and even gives you a real-time view of their parents if they are in that world.I have listed this as an advanced tool for a couple of reasons, however. First of all, this does lag the Creature History Screen when it is loading, which could be quite irritating if you’re not very interested in the information.In addition, I have discovered that at the moment, for whatever reason, this add-on does not play very nicely with Albian Warp. It will throw up an error (although not always) when loading the History Screen, which can be ignored by clicking “Continue” on the pop-up box. This may also be too annoying to deal with, however.- Download: Tools. Essential.

C3:A simple tool that automatically throws out any toys that find themselves in the Norn Terrarium Pond. This is useful as baby Creatures, in particular, are very susceptible to drowning themselves trying to retrieve these toys.- Download:. C3: Panel/Updates:This incredibly useful tool adds a bridge between the treehouse and the elevated area above the Learning Room in the Norn Terrarium, stopping Creatures from simply dropping down and hurting themselves. This tool also allows you to place a barrier on the other end of this level, stopping Creatures from dropping into the pond as well. If you wish, you can also make more treehouse tables as well.

Because why not?- Download:. DS:A simple addition to Muco that adds a menu you can cycle forwards and backwards through, allowing you to select from a list of available breeds instead of going through each one, one at a time.- Download:. DS:This tool will allow you to create spots of heat in a metaroom that might otherwise lack any or enough to help care for TWB/TCB Creatures. They can also produce a Home Smell and can be set to incubation temperatures. Do be careful, as it is possible to overheat your creatures with this tool!- Download:Recommended. C3:This is classed as a Toy and can be used as such, but its main utility is to teach any Creatures in range their entire vocabulary in a single push, by either themselves or the hand.- Download:. C3:An official tool released to allow the player to turn the Grendel and Ettin Egg Layers on and off.- Download:.

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C3:A handy little gadget that could help create non-lethal traps. Once the Creature has been sent to sleep by it once, there appears to be a significant delay before it can be affected by it again.- Download:.

C3:This tool allows you to set off another agent automatically after a set amount of time, and keep doing so indefinitely.- Download:. C3DS:A fun tool that automatically and randomly generates names for all of your Creatures. The names are taken from lists of names which can be configured.- Download:. C3DS:Sometimes, you just don’t want to worry about those doors you can’t lock, or those buttons Creatures can get obsessed with. These tools let you hide them as if they didn’t exist.- Download:.

C3DS:Got a lot of eggs? Don’t want to go on egg hunts?! These tools will automatically collect them for you, based on player set parameters.- Download:. C3DS Home Smells:These little tools emit home smell appropriate to each species of Creature wherever they are placed.- Downloads:,.

C3DS:A portable teleporter that can link to other agents of its kind based on a variety of player set parameters. They also fold up into toy balls, because why not?!- Download:.

DS:This reduces the crowdedness of Creatures in its vicinity, which can help with large worlds and with easily crowded breeds such as.- Download:. DS:This tool makes the in the Workshop moveable by the Hand.- Download:. DS:This gives a more thorough breakdown of your world’s population, including exact numbers of each species, and how many eggs are in the world, as well as a total number of Creatures.- Download:Advanced. C3DS:This tool will make the game save after each birth, death and warp event. This can help keep a regular backup of a world in case of crashing, however, this can result in a game that is saving A LOT in large populations, and can, in fact, backfire if an event happens just as an error occurs. I would make sure your world is relatively stable first before using it.- Download:.

C3DS:A very cool tool that can help with the care of TWB/TCB genomes, and only works with them. Essential. True WarmbloodsTrue Coldbloods 2.5:These breeds really are the meat of the game, and essential to this guide’s vision of what this game can be. The vast number of changes and improvements made with these breeds is staggering, building on years of gengineers fixing and tweaking the genetics of Creatures. I would thoroughly recommend reading the list of changes here if you’re curious.The essential parts of this pack are the official breed replacements.

The others are considered recommended for being TWB/TCB. Most of the creatures in this pack will require the originals to have been installed in order to utilise the correct sprites.- Download:Recommended. C12DS TWBTCB Conversions:If you are a fan of the Creatures 1 Creatures, then these would fit in smashingly with your other TWBTCB Creatures. You will need to install C12DS in order for the correct sprites to appear.

There may also be interbreeding issues between C1 and C3DS Creatures due to body data.- Download:Advanced. TCB Draconian Norns:These are TCB versions of the Draconian Norns, and they are advanced because Draconian Norns are very fragile as babies. An interesting breed for sure, but definitely more work!The originals are needed for sprites, but these come with an option for winged Draconians!- Download: Flora & Fauna. Essential. C3:Coconots provide a valuable source of food in the Marine Terrarium, and if left long enough leave a little surprise!- Download:Recommended.

C3DS No Smell:A fully functional and plantable version of the C3 Bluebell. This version has had the smell removed in order to play nicely with Verm’s Detritus Smell.- Download:. C3DS:A funky tree from The Canopy. This tree grows fruit, which can be plucked or knocked off.- Download:.

C3DS:An interesting plant that only grows in corridors and other non-organic places! It will also produce a kind of food, which can be handy for wandering Creatures.- Download:. C3DS Frogs:Allows you to add tadpoles to your ponds, which will eventually grow into frogs! These critters are also edible at all life stages.- Download:.

C3DS:Creates a small variety of goldfish to inhabit your ponds. They eat seeds to grow and can themselves be eaten, as well as their eggs. Designed for use with the Water Weed agent further down this list.- Download:. C3DS:A useful plant that produces underwater Fruit and provides air for Creatures to breathe.- Download:. C3DS:Some nice aquatic plants that produce edible seeds.- Download:. C3DS:This agent vends little edible critters for underwater Creatures, which can also breed given enough plants.- Download:.

C3DS:Creates seeds that produce edible mushrooms.- Download:. C3DS:A nice set of food and fruit plants designed to grow underwater.- Download:.

C3DS No Smell:A fully functional and plantable version of the C3 Starflower. This version has had the smell removed in order to play nicely with Verm’s Detritus Smell.- Download:.

C3DS:A little freshwater plant that produces seeds and gives Creatures underwater a little oxygen boost.- Download:. DS:A portable version of the Awkwood Creeper. Requires the Hardman Norn Pack to function.- Download:.

DS:Underwater edible Critters.- Download:. DS:A group of plants that provide a lot more extra fruit for the Norn Meso.- Download:Advanced. C3DS:This plant produces a lot of plants if left unchecked, but produces seeds that Creatures seem to particularly enjoy.- Download:.

C3DS:As per its description, this plant spreads like, well, a weed! It does produce a lot of seeds as a result though, a great source of starch.- Download: Food. Recommended. C3:A useful little plant that provides a filling, healthy snack for Creatures (although not Toxic Norns!). This cannot spread through seeds but regrows from the stump left from eating it.- Download:.

C3DS:A vendor that produces an endless supply of Manky, perfect for toxic breeds!- Download:. C3DS:This vendor produces carrot seeds which grow, shockingly enough, carrots!- Download:. C3DS:The Creatures 2 cheese vendor returns!- Download:.

C3DS 2.0:This rather grim addition gives the player a variety of options for dead Creatures to drop chunks of meat when they die and adds interesting hunting and scavenging aspects for carnivorous breeds. The meat is classed as Critter, so Creatures who haven’t learned to eat critters for food probably won’t eat this meat.- Download:. C3DS:Popcorn, simple as that!- Download:. C3DS:These seeds produce purple carrots, which have slight antioxidant properties.- Download:.

C3DS:This teapot will periodically produce some lovely herbal tea, which has health benefits as well as a calming effect. Recommended. C3DS:Norngarden is a very popular jungle-like metaroom, and part of the Norngarden series. This room is plenty warm enough for TWB/TCB Creatures and has a lot of food and toys included.- Download:. DS:A jungle themed metaroom with a day/night cycle, ecology and original music!- Download:Advanced.

C3DS:Another part of Norngarden, this room is aimed at aquatic Creatures. This room is quite cold in places, and not just the water, so it would need some set up for TWB/TCB Creatures.- Download:. C3DS:This is a huge aquatic room with a wide variety of critters. This is a very cold room, however, largely because it is mostly water.

Has currently not made any aquatic TWB breeds but says that they will be made resilient to cold water when she does make them, so this may end up moving to recommended!- Download:. C3DS:This is a deep, dark ocean floor metaroom, once again for aquatic creatures. This room will probably require more food and critters set up in it, hence the advanced tag.- Download:. DS:This is an arctic room, complete with freezing temperatures! As well as the temperatures, this room will need considerable set up to get started.- Download:. DS:This is a metaroom designed as a home for Banshee Grendels. Unfortunately, it is also freezing, so take care with TCB Banshee Grendels.- Download:.

DS:Almost a tool more than a metaroom, Random’s Room is a blank, barren room that can be used for all sorts, from agent testing to plain ol’ extra storage.- Download:. DS:Veridia is a large and friendly metaroom with a large number of plants to be found. It is however lacking food, critters and toys, and many players kill the provided lifts and use instead due to issues with the lifts.- Download: Toys. Recommended.

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C3DS:This agent lets your Creatures express their creative sides!- Download:. C3DS Norndolls:Some cuddly norndolls for Creatures to play with.- Download:,. C3DS Camera:A fun camera that produces actual photos!- Download:. C3DS:Having trouble getting your Creatures to breed?

Have them play with this toy and they’ll be in the mood and fertile in no time!- Download:. C3DS:Creates a fake portal for Creatures to push and get their need to explore out of their systems.- Download:. C3DS:A somewhat macabre toy, this ball is made from the head of a Chi-Chi Norn! Touted as good for Grendels, or those nastier norns.- Download:. C3DS:A nice little clock your Creatures can interact with, possibly by smashing it!- Download:.

C3DS:A nice stuffed toy that provides angry Creatures with a way to redirect their ire.- Download:. C3DS:A fun looking toy created as a prize for the 2012 Survivor Game.- Download:. C3DS:Provides some atmospheric lighting to an area, complete with CAs.- Download:. DS:This robot toy will teach a random non-noun word to nearby Creatures. They also inject in random colours!- Download: Common Issues In this section, you can find a list of common issues that crop up during installation or play.