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Shadowbane Calculator

понедельник 30 марта admin 56
Shadowbane Calculator Average ratng: 9,1/10 4391 votes

. WhitespaceArcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio,. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players.The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on and.ArcheAge: Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019 through. RULES. Do not violate the reddiquette. Adhere to standards and behaviors online that you would follow in real life.

Don’t be rude, harass, threaten and/or insult others. Don’t post someone’s personal information, especially if it can be used to harm others. Don't start a witch hunt (e.g. At level 55 there seem to be a lot of different viable builds that a Shadowblade can run and I'm looking for some discussion/theorycrafting on which would be better overall since I can't really decide.There's the deep witchcraft version which this guy made a semi-guide on.(see the link to the build on his thread).My only issue with this build is that it seems to only be viable in cloth and I've already invested enough gold into leather. Not to mention I don't like the idea of wearing cloth with all the melee/ranged running around. I do like the amount of CC that this build has as well as having a 20% cooldown reduction on all of the CCs.Then there's deep shadowplay:. I've tried every rational way to get to the final talent in shadowplay.

Its just so nice having all your abilities come up 20% faster.overwhelm, stalker's mark, drop-back (which can be used as a gap close and against archer's yours would be up more often than theirs), shadowsmite, and even stealth. My big problem with this is that in order to get the 10th pt you have to get the 8th and 9th as well as spend another possibly un-necessary point in something like throw dagger.

Shadowbane Emulator or Magicbane? Posted by 5 years ago. Shadowbane Emulator or Magicbane? Has anyone tried both of these? I'd like to give Shadowbane a go again after I had such an enjoyable time playing it years ago. What are the differences? Is there a decent amount of players? Shadowbane was a free-to-play fantasy role-playing video game created by Wolfpack Studios and published on March 25, 2003 by Ubi Soft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms. Originally commercial and subscription-driven, Shadowbane was launched in March 2003, and was the creation of text-MUD veterans J. Todd Coleman, James Nance, Josef Hall, Patrick Blanton and Robert Marsa.

It's just hard to rationalize spending 4 points for 1 ability/passive. This keeps you from getting multiple useful abilities in battlerage and maybe 1 or 2 in witchcraft.Then there's heavy battlerage. I think this is the build I would use for that and is what I am currently leaning on.You get frenzy for an animation canceller and also for going up against mages.

You also get Behind Enemy Lines to aid in the mobility department. The last point I put in enervate for combo with Mudhand but you could prob put that in throw dagger, bubble, or something else if you want. I like having mudhand for the dropbackmudhand combo on targets that try and kite.This is the final possible build I came up with that also goes deep into battlerage but foregoes frenzy and Behind Enemy Lines to pick up Augment Witchcraft, Magic Detection, and bubble if you want it, mostly for the former 2 though. Mudhand is always instant with this build.Keep in mind that I use an obsidian katana and desert leather. I know the obsidian katana aids with magic dmg but prob not enough to make going deep in witchcraft viable without wearing cloth.Tell me what you all think and which build(s) you think would be most successful/viable overall in both arenas and world pvp.EDIT: Also keep in mind the upcoming nerfs to witchcraft in 1.7.

Hey guys, just rolled a Priest the other day.I love to heal and support in games, I think it is such a wonderful experience in MMO's. Was a little curious what my stat priortizaion is. I know low level is hard to min/max these but as I level I just want to be on top of my stats as I go along. I will be rolling a healer since I have a friend who rolled a Prot Warrior. I really want to be able to perform well in dungeons, and at some points raids.If I remember, way back when I used to play, Spirit is better for healers since it regenerates mana more quickly?


Intellect is more for DPS casters since it creates a larger mana pool?I know there will be a balancing act of these two stats I just want to understand them better.So how my main question is: How does Spirit and Intellect effect my priest?. Desolate era. Here you goBest in slotMiagoma’s Addon GuideFirst off:Ive tried just about all the raid frame addons out there, but for vanilla i've landed on sRaidframes.Reason why I prefer this is because of its range check ability (40 yard). Means it will gray out people who are not in range.Because the vanilla API is a bit lacking on this part, the addon will actually target every person in the raid constantly in the background.You can go with addons like x-perl(have to be modified a bit) or grid, but they dont have the 40 range, so meh.Clique (clicky): With this addon you can bind your mousekeys to certain spells.It will save you time when you want to heal someone. Basically you just click on the ppl you want to heal in the raidframes.I use shift or ctrl click combinations, as pure left/rightclicks are reserved for regular targeting functions.To setup this, you just open your spellbook, there will be a new tab there.Finally we have the lazyspell addon:This is kinda nice, because if you enable this one, and you cast a rank1 greater healing spell with clique it will automatically rank your spell to the most fitting rank for the amount of heal needed.

This will save you a lot of mana. Needless to say, this cannot be used for an bossencounter main tank heal.For boss encounter heals, I chain cast greater heal rank 4, but have a macro with /script SpellStopCasting to interrupt the heal if its gonna be a pure overheal.Other then this i use luna just for party/ self and target frames.also i have grid installed for partyframes. I value spirit highest for my leveling priest, followed somewhat closely by int. Int doesnt help much soloing but some int does help when you try to heal dungeons. Even if you are specced shadow, there's a good chance you will heal dungeons so don't just stack 'of spirit' gear only.Btw, Mind flay is broken on this server and I'd carefully consider your spec. I went shadow before I knew that mind flay only ticked twice almost half the time.

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I don't know much about a disc/holy leveling spec, but if I was starting over, I would probably do a disc/holy/spirit tap build.