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Planet Laika 2

вторник 17 марта admin 54
Planet Laika 2 Average ratng: 9,1/10 4442 votes

Laika is a customizable and extensible toolkit for transforming lightweight text markup and template based site and e-book generation.

It has been designed for two primary usage scenarios:

  • Embedded use (e.g. web applications that allow user input in one of the supported markup syntaxes)

  • As a standalone tool (e.g. using Laika's sbt plugin to produce the project's documentation)

Paramount’s 100th Anniversary Logo Created With Terragen Planetside Software worked closely with Devastudios on Paramount’s new 100th Anniversary Logo animation, with extensive use of Terragen throughout the entire sequence.

Laika does not require the installation of any external tools.

It is Open Source under the Apache 2.0 License.

If you wonder about the name of the project and have never heard about Laika, you can read about her here.

Getting Started

The current version is published to Maven Central for Scala 2.13, 2.12 and Scala.js 1.0.

The sbt plugin is published to the sbt plugin repository for sbt 1.x.

The final release for Scala 2.11 had been 0.10.0, the final release for Scala 2.10 and sbt 0.13 was 0.7.0.

Using the sbt Plugin

Add the plugin to project/plugins.sbt:

Enable the plugin in your project's build.sbt:

Add Markdown, reStructuredText or HTML template files to src/docs in your project and run the laikaSite task from within sbt to generate the site in target/docs/site.

Using the Library API

If you are updating from a version before 0.12.0, it's recommended to read the Migration Guide first, as there were significant changes in the Library API.

Adding the Laika dependency to your sbt build:

If you want to use Laika with Scala.js, use the standard triple-%: `scalalibraryDependencies += 'org.planet42' %%% 'laika-core' % '0.14.0'`

Note that only laika-core has been published for Scala.js, the laika-io and laika-pdf modules are only available for the JVM.

Example for transforming Markdown to HTML:

For file/stream IO, parallel processing and/or EPUB support, based on cats-effect, add the laika-io module to your build:

Example for transforming an entire directory of markup files to a single EPUB file:

When using Laika's PDF support you need to add one more dependency to your build:

The example for how to transform a directory of input files into a PDF file looks the same as the EPUB example, apart from swapping EPUB for PDF

Other Resources

  • Read more about standard usage in the chapters
    Using the sbt Plugin or Using the Library API.

  • Try out Laika with the Web Tool.

  • Browse the source on GitHub.

  • Browse the API.

  • Follow on Twitter for release announcements.

  • Create Issues here on GitHub for bug reports or enhancement requests.

  • Ask questions on Stackoverflow, tagging with Laika and Scala.

There will also be a dedicated forum in case of growing interest in Laika.

This manual is written in Markdown and transformed by Laika. Its source is included in the repository inside the docs folder.


  • Support for Markdown (incl. GitHub Flavored Markdown) and reStructuredText as input

  • Support for HTML, EPUB, PDF, XSL-FO and AST (for debugging) as output

  • Template-based Site and Book Generation

  • Support for tables of contents, convenient cross-linking between documents and auto-numbering of documents and sections for all supported markup formats

  • Integrated parsers for syntax highlighting that work for all output formats, not just HTML.

  • Support for styling of PDF documents with CSS

  • sbt plugin, exposing all Laika features and customization hooks as sbt settings and tasks

  • Support for Scala.js for all of Laika's features except File/Stream IO, EPUB and PDF

    Deiland is a survival game in which players will control Arco, a young prince who lives on a tiny planet (yes, like The Little Prince). The objective of the players will be to try to develop a normal life within the small planet, which will involve growing vegetables, planting trees, chopping stones, and much more. To install Deiland Tiny Planet on a PC we are going to need an Android emulator. We recommend using Bluestacks as it is one of the best on the market. To install it we will need a Windows 7 operating system or higher. Windows prior to version 7 will not work. Deiland tiny planet 5. Deiland is a offline and relaxing game, where we control the little prince Arco to develop his daily life on a very small planet and enjoy magical adventures. CREATE A HOME IN A RELAXING GAME We start from the beginning, on an empty little planet but full of surprises. The first step is to create the tools, which you work with: a hoe to till the fields, an axe for get firewood, a hammer to. Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Deiland Tiny Planet-Little Prince calm adventure & farm on Deiland planet. Create, craft and relax.-Ver:1.4.1-Views: 81,092-Downloader on pc, android-Download for smart TV, IPTV,MI PHONE,PS4/PS5,Xiaomi,Huewei APKTrending. CATEGORIES APPS GAMES. Home » Game ».

  • Purely Functional Library API, respecting referential transparency, no exceptions, no mutable state

  • Custom Directives (tags) for templates and text markup, with type-safe and concise DSL for their declaration

  • Customization hooks for renderers (based on simple partial functions that change the output for specific node types)

  • Document Tree Rewriting (hooks for modifying the document AST, consisting of case classes, between parsing and rendering, based on simple partial functions)

  • Simple contracts and APIs for adding new parsers and renderers

  • A set of generic and fast parser combinators for common tasks in markup parsing that are not based on the commonly used (and often slow) regex parsers

  • Support for file and stream IO and parallel processing based on cats-effect, with full control over ExecutionContexts for blocking IO and processing

  • Purely functional library API

  • More than 1,500 tests

Release History

  • 0.14.0 (Feb 28, 2020):

    • Introduce support for Scala.js for the entire laika-core module:
      • Brings the complete functionality of Laika to Scala.js with the only exceptions being File/Stream IO and support for PDF and EPUB output
      • Eliminate the last, semi-hidden usages of Java reflection to enable Scala.js support
      • Avoid use of java.time.Instant in the shared base to not force another heavy dependency on Scala.js users
    • Laika's integrated syntax highlighting:
      • Add support for Dotty, JSX/TSX, SQL, EBNF, Laika's own AST format
    • Parser APIs:
      • Introduce PrefixedParser trait to make span parser optimizations implicit for 90% of the use cases and no longer require the developer to explicitly supply a set of possible start characters for the span
      • Introduce new parser for delimiters that generalizes typical checks for preceding and following characters in markup parsers (e.g. delimiter('**').prevNot(whitespace)), to reduce boilerplate for inline parsers
      • Introduce shortcuts for very common usages of text parsers (e.g. oneOf('a','b') instead of anyOf('a','b').take(1))
      • Expand the API of the Parser base trait: add source method for obtaining the consumed part of the input instead of the result of the parser, and count to obtain the number of consumed characters
      • Introduce laika.parse.implicits._ for extension methods for common parsers, e.g. .concat, mapN.
      • Introduce shortcut for repeating a parser with a separator
      • Deprecate all APIs that relied on implicit conversions
      • Deprecate some of the rather cryptic symbol methods on Parser in favor of named methods
      • DelimitedText does no longer have a type parameter
    • AST changes and improvements:
      • Introduce RelativePath as a separate type in addition to the existing Path type which is now only used for absolute paths
      • Introduce a range of shortcut constructors for Laika's AST nodes, that allow you to write Paragraph('some text') instead of Paragraph(Seq(Text('some text'))) for example
    • Directives:
      • Cleaner syntax for default attributes which are no longer part of the HOCON attribute block for named attributes
    • Demo App:
      • Cleanup from six to two (bigger) panels for improved usability
      • Use Laika's own syntax highlighting in the output
      • Allow to switch from JVM execution to Java.js
      • Move from Akka HTTP to http4s
      • Integrate source into Laika's main repository
    • Bugfix:
      • Syntax highlighting for interpolated strings in Scala was broken in 0.13.0
      • Fix a flaky test that relied on the ordering of HashMap entries
  • 0.13.0 (Jan 26, 2020):

    • Introduce integrated syntax highlighting based on the libraries own parsers
      • Resulting AST nodes for code spans are part of the document AST and can be processed or transformed like all other nodes
      • Works with any renderer, including PDF
      • Initially supported are Scala, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, HOCON
      • Convenient base parsers for common syntax like string and number literals or identifiers to facilitate development of new syntax highlighters
    • HOCON parser: add support for include statements, this final feature addition makes Laika's HOCON support fully spec-compliant
    • New transformation hooks in the laika-io module for parallel transformers: mapDocuments(Document => Document), evalMapDocuments(Document => F[Document]) and the corresponsing mapTree and evalMapTree
    • Transformer introspection: introduce describe method for parsers, renderers and transformers and laikaDescribe setting in the sbt plugin that provides formatted information about the transformer setup and installed extensions
    • sbt plugin: improved accuracy for caching logic for EPUB and PDF output that still works when the artifact name or version changes
    • Upgrade dependency on cats-core to 2.1.0
  • 0.12.1 (Dec 1, 2019):

    • Fixes and Improvements for the new HOCON parser introduced in version 0.12.0
      • Significant improvements for error messages in HOCON parser
      • Fixes for nested self references, missing optional self references, and objects without '=' or ':' separator
    • Parser Combinators: The ' ' alternative parser now keeps the failure with the most processed characters and not the last one, for improved error messages
    • Fix for script tag with attributes not being recognized in verbatim HTML in Markdown
  • 0.12.0 (Oct 30, 2019):

    • New laika-io Module
      • Functionality extracted from existing laika-core module
      • Contains File/Stream IO, EPUB output, Parallel transformations
      • Based on cats-effect type classes (in 'Bring-Your-Own-Effect' style)
      • Leaves laika-core pure, preparing it for later support for Scala.js
    • Referential Transparency
      • No method in the public API throws Exceptions anymore
      • The result of pure operations is provided by instances of Either
      • The result of side-effecting operations is provided by a return type of F[A], with F[_] being an effect type from cats-effect
      • Eliminated all uses of runtime reflection
    • Changes to the APIs for creating and running parsers, renderers and transformers
      • Necessary due to the changes listed above
      • See the migration guide for details and examples
    • Changes to the Directive Syntax in Templating
      • The syntax of separators for the attribute and body sections have changed
      • HOCON syntax is now used for attributes
      • The old syntax is still supported, but will be removed at some point before the 1.0 release
    • Changes to the Directive DSL for creating directives
      • attribute(Default) is now defaultAttribute
      • body is now either parsedBody or rawBody
      • Type conversions happen with the new as method: attribute('title').as[String], based on the ConfigDecoder type class that is also used for the new Config API
      • Named body parts have been replaced by the more flexible Separator Directives
      • The built-in helper for mapping directive parts with different arity has been replaced by cats' mapN
    • Refactoring of AST Rewrite API to be fully type-safe and avoid runtime reflection and exceptions.
      • Return types are now more explicit (e.g. Replace(newSpan) instead of Some(newSpan))
      • Rules for rewriting spans and blocks get registered separately for increased type-safety, as it is invalid to replace a span with a block element.
    • Refactoring of the Render API to be referentially transparent
      • Also applies to the API for registering custom renderers for individual AST nodes
    • New Config API and built-in HOCON parser
      • Removed the dependency on the Typesafe Config library and its impure Java API
      • Added a new lightweight and pure HOCON parser as part of laika-core, supporting the full spec except for file includes (for now).
    • Enhancement for the DocumentTree API
      • The result of a tree parsing operation is now a new type called DocumentTreeRoot
      • It has a coverDocument property and contains the recursive tree structure of the parsed content.
      • Each DocumentTree in the structure now has an explicit titleDocument: Option[Document] property for more explicit content organization in e-books.
      • Properties that previously held references to streams and other impure data had been removed from the pure content model (e.g. DocumentTree.staticDocuments).
    • Bug fixes for fenced code blocks with blank lines in GitHub-Flavored Markdown
  • 0.11.0 (June 12, 2019):

    • New Renderer for producing EPUB containers
    • New laikaEPUB task in the sbt plugin
    • New laikaIncludeEPUB setting for the laikaSite task
    • Support for cover images for EPUB and PDF
    • Support for document metadata (author, language, date, etc.) for EPUB and PDF
    • Support for title pages per chapter
    • Backwards-compatible to 0.9.0 and 0.10.0 - if you update from earlier version, please see the release notes for 0.9.0 for migration
  • 0.10.0 (Dec 1, 2018):

    • Add support for GitHub Flavored Markdown:
      • Tables
      • Fenced Code Blocks
      • Auto-Links
      • Strikethrough
    • Preparing for Scala 2.13
      • Adjust use of Collection API for breaking changes and deprecations in 2.13
      • Replace use of parallel collections with custom executor
    • Level of parallelism of transformations is now configurable
  • 0.9.0 (Sep 15, 2018):

    • New ExtensionBundle APIs allow to bundle extensions into a single object for easier reuse. Supported extension hooks include directives, markup parser extensions, rewrite rules, custom renderers, document type matchers, alternative parsers for stylesheets, templates or configuration headers and default templates per output format.
    • Reduced number of settings and tasks in the sbt plugin, by using the new ExtensionBundle API for sbt settings.
    • Improved package structure to reduce number of required imports.
  • 0.8.0 (June 4, 2018):

    • Doubles parsing speed for both Markdown and reStructuredText
    • Much lower number of parser instance creations on repeated runs
    • Performance goals had been achieved through replacing the former Scala SDK parser combinators with a custom, optimized combinator design:
      • Fewer dependent types and base parsers in objects instead of traits, making it easier to freely compose parsers
      • Create parser error messages lazily, as most of them will never be accessed
      • Avoid cost of by-name args in all cases except combinator
    • Add support for size and align options for the image directive in reStructuredText
    • Fixes for all bugs known and reported to this point
    • Address all deprecation warnings for Scala 2.12
  • 0.7.5 (Dec 30, 2017):

    • Support for sbt 1.0
    • Laika's sbt plugin is now an AutoPlugin
    • Prefixed all task and setting keys to adhere to recommended naming pattern (e.g. laikaGenerate) to avoid name conflicts for autoImports
    • Adjustments for API changes in sbt 1.0
    • Bug fixes in the library
    • Drop support for sbt 0.13 and Scala 2.10
  • 0.7.0 (April 17, 2017):

    • Support for Scala 2.12 (with continued support for 2.11 and 2.10)
    • Redesign and cleanup of the Document API: use case classes wherever possible, extract features into pluggable traits and introduce a new Cursor type for tree rewriting
    • Allow to customize the FopFactory for the PDF renderer (in API and sbt plugin)
    • Fix an issue in the laika:site task in the sbt plugin that executed several sub-tasks twice which could lead to IllegalStateExceptions caused by the resulting race condition
    • Fixes for the reStructuredText parser (for option lists and IP addresses)
  • 0.6.0 (May 23, 2016):

    • Support for rendering PDF documents
    • Support for rendering XSL-FO output
    • New CSS parser supporting a large subset of standard CSS
    • Support styling of PDF documents with CSS
    • Support for different templates per output format
    • New sbt tasks: html, pdf, xslfo, prettyPrint for rendering a single output format
    • New sbt task generate for rendering one or more output formats (e.g. laika:generate html pdf)
    • Integrate PDF output into existing sbt task laika:site via new setting includePDF
    • New directives pageBreak, style and format
    • Changes to the Render and Transform API to allow for the merging of an entire directory of input files into a single output file (as required by PDF rendering)
  • 0.5.1 (Oct 10, 2015):

    • Cross-compile for Scala 2.11 and 2.10
    • Publish the sbt plugin to the new plugin repository on Bintray
    • Upgrade to ScalaTest 2.2.4
  • 0.5.0 (Jan 9, 2014):

    • New sbt plugin, exposing all Laika features and customization hooks as sbt tasks and settings
    • New option to merge multiple input directories into a tree structure with a single root, allowing to keep reusable styles or templates ('themes') separately
    • New option to use Markdown and reStructuredText markup in the same input tree, including cross-linking between the two formats
    • Move to a multi-project build and rename the main artifact from laika to laika-core
    • Upgrade to ScalaTest 2.0 and sbt 0.13
    • Drop support for Scala 2.9.x
  • 0.4.0 (Nov 22, 2013):

    • Template-based site generation
    • Support for tables of contents, convenient cross-linking between documents and autonumbering of documents and sections for all supported markup formats
    • Custom Directives for templates and text markup
    • Document Fragments that can be rendered separately from the main document content
    • New API for batch processing for parse, render or full transform operations
    • Parallel processing of parsers and renderers
  • 0.3.0 (Aug 3, 2013):

    • Support for most of the standard directives and text roles of the reStructuredText reference parser (admonitions, figure, image, code, raw and many more)
    • Now integrates the official Markdown test suite (and many fixes to make it pass)
    • Now integrates a test for transforming the full reStructuredText specification (which, of course, is written in reStructuredText) and many fixes to make it pass
    • Adds the renderer option HTML.unformatted for terse output without indentation or whitespace (often desirable when writing the rendered document to a database for example)
    • Adds a new Web Tool to try out Laika online
    • General cleanup of parser implementations and alignments between Markdown and reStructuredText parsers, making both of them much more robust
  • 0.2.0 (May 7, 2013):

    • Support for reStructuredText (full specification)
    • Concise and type-safe API for all reStructuredText extensibility options (directives, text roles)
    • New document tree nodes for tables, footnotes, citations, definition lists, internal links, comments, system messages, invalid elements
    • Render hints for document tree nodes in the form of the new Customizable trait
  • 0.1.0 (Jan 12, 2013):

    • Support for Markdown as input
    • Support for HTML and AST as output
    • Customization hooks for renderers
    • Document tree rewriting
    • Various options for input and output (strings, files,, streams)
    • Generic base traits for markup parser implementations

JapaneseMenus and gameplay are in Japanese.Planet Laika is a console role-playing game developed by Quintet and Zeque. The game was only released in Japan. The game follows the main character, Laika, through a mission to Mars which forces the player to manipulate Laika's multiple-personality disorder in order to solve puzzles. All the characters in the game have dog heads, a possible reference to the Russian space dog Laika.The story begins as the crew of a rocket ship heads to Mars on a mission to find out the truth behind rumors about the 'end of the world' and the existence of an unknown supernatural being. All the characters in the game have dog faces, and you learn at one point that mankind was once destroyed for having human faces. Mars is controlled by a force called the 'Evil Mind,' which manipulates the inhabitants of the planet, changing them into one of three colors and personality types. The people who are colored yellow are visually focused and pursue physical beauty.

The reds are animalistic and strong, and they resort to violence quickly. The blues are psychotic but also quite crafty. The planet plays tricks on their minds, causing them to see illusions, including an illusion of the crew of the ship.A major theme of the game is Laika's different personalities, embodied by three different characters, Ernest, Yolanda, and Spacer. By talking to different characters, Laika absorbs their different colored auras and whena specific color has been absorbed enough, Laika can turn into that personality to solve a problem, such as needing Ernest, the strongest, to lift a heavy shutter.Unlike most RPG's, which feature turn-based battles, Planet Laika's are played out almost like Space Invaders and Pong. The player must bounce around a Mind Core and reflect back the enemies attacks to inflict damage. There are not a lot of battles in the game and enemies only attack when Laika is in one of the special forms.Manufacturer's description:Psychodrama RPG of horror unfold on stage Mars spiteful.