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Alien Legacy Forum

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Alien Legacy was a neat Sierra game that came out way back in 1994; a rather unique combination of sci-fi city/empire builder and RPG, it was well received at the time but never achieved particular fame. Given it is relatively unknown but personally highly beloved, I have been thinking about doing a Let's Play to introduce it to a larger audience. Now is the time.
This is a game that involves a fair amount of micromanagement, which I'm going to handle mostly by myself. What I am going to look to you guys for is setting priorities and other pivotal decisions. It is also somewhat complicated, so I’m going to explain game concepts as they become relevant. Bear with me! I also might occasionally do some things of my own accord, or make some executive decisions, as there are a few potential pitfalls in the game, and I’d really like to be able to carry us through the whole story without restarting.

The premise: In the year 2043, humanity experiences its first alien contact, a strange vessel bound from Alpha Centauri. The visitors quickly prove themselves unambiguously hostile, and so mankind rallies and unites to defend Earth. Many new space-faring technologies are quickly developed to meet the need, including the ability to travel at relativistic speeds sufficient for local interstellar travel. Utilizing these developments humanity manages to beat back the initial Centarian onslaught, and even make a counter-assault on the alien homeworld. Despite this initial success, the UN opts to hedge its bets and dispatch seed ships, carrying thousands of cryogenically frozen colonists, to distant systems in order to assure humanities continued survival.
The player is the captain of one of these colony ships, the Calypso, dispatched in 2119 and tasked with making a home out of the remote star system Beta Caeli. The game begins with a cutscene of robots conducting initial probes of the system, and then awakening the captain and command crew from stasis.

We are immediately addressed by one of the bridge crew, Science Officer Patel.

Patel informs us that the Calypso is currently in orbit around one of Beta Caeli's two Earth-like worlds, this one called Gaea. The servitor robots have already staked out a landing site and initiated automated construction of our first colony, though no humans have yet been transferred there. She also informs me that the first thing I should do is check to see if we have received any information from Earth.
Here is the view of the “main screen” of the game, the bridge of the Calypso, from which we can access all of the game’s screens:

My personal robot, responsible for managing all of my messages (and quests, and such), informs me that the Calypso's communication array received some damage from a 'magnetic storm' en route to Beta Caeli; several transmissions from Earth were received during transit, but they were garbled and will take some time for him to recover. Only two communications made it through unscathed, together informing us of the following: While we slept, in the year 2135, a second seed ship was dispatched to Beta Caeli, the Tantalus commanded by Captain Louisa Johannson. The Tantalus is based on superior technology than the Calypso, and despite leaving decades later would actually pass us and arrive at Beta Caeli 21.3 years before us. Captain Johannson is to be considered my superior, and the Calypso and its resources are to be placed at her disposal immediately upon arrival.
Boy, wouldn't that make for an interesting game?
Until we make contact with Captain Johannson, we still have the business of our new colony on Gaea to sort out on our own. What should our new capital be named? The default is 'New Terra', but I think we can get a little more creative than that.
Let me explain a bit how colonies work: Each colony (of which we will eventually have quite a few) can be host to up to sixteen facilities for managing five separate resources. These resources are: Ore (generic building materials), Energy, Life Support (food and other essentials), Humans, and Robots. To manipulate these, there are four different kinds of facilities we can build:
* Habitats, which are needed to house Humans and allow them to reproduce, and also to produce Life Support.
* Power Plants, which produce Energy.
* Factories, which can mine Ore and build Robots, as well as other things which we shall get to later.
* Research Labs, which produce science points that we can cash in for a legion of valuable technologies.
All facilities require some of each resource for construction (with the exception that Habitats do not require Humans), as well as smaller ongoing expenditures as long as they are online and in production. Humans and Robots are not consumables, but they are instead 'committed' to construction/maintenance tasks and cannot be used by other facilities for the duration.
The Calypso is quite a large ship, and it actually houses an entire colony of its own, which comes with one of each of the four facilities already built for us, as well as a healthy stockpile of all 5 resources. I'm going to 'offline' all of the Calypso facilities for now, as the Factory is incapable of mining. Until we get a sustainable mining operation going planetside, the Ore onboard the Calypso which we were sent with is all that we have to work with.
A small stockpile of Ore, Energy, and Life Support has already been transported to the colony before we were woken up, so that means our first actual task should be transferring some Robots there. We have four general-purpose Ships currently parked on the Calypso, which we can use to transport small quantities of resources. I dispatch a supply of Robots there, which arrives in short order, and then I immediately initiate construction of a Habitat. Curiously, Habitats that are under construction or offline can still house Humans (they just don't produce Life Support.. though neither do they consume them, oddly enough..), so our first wave of 30 colonists is dispatched to take residence at our new capital.
Once the Habitat is started, I am pinged by Navigation Officer Wu. She says that the new facility has detected a radio signal being emitted on Gaea, from sector E7. Given that this is nearby our colony at sector D2, and also in a prime habitable region, she is concerned that this might be a distress call from Tantalus colonists. We should send a ship to check it out soon.
Once the colonists arrive, I start construction of a Factory (for mining) and a Power Plant. Our first colony will soon be self-sustaining (for now..). We’re going to need a lot more of them soon, as the trickle of income this colony will be generating isn’t quite enough to sustain rapid expansion.

I’m going to stop here for now, though a new update should be due on the way in a day or two. Until then, if anyone has any questions about the game and its mechanics, any directives they’d like to express, and so forth, do share!

Dear Abandonia visitors: We are a small team that runs one of the largest DOS Games websites in the world. We have only 3 members of staff, but serve 450,000 users and have outgoing costs like any other top site for example: our servers, power, rent, programs, and staff. Abandonia is something special. It is a library of old games for you to download.

It is like an old gaming arcade with all the old games in their original format. Abandonia is a place where you can find great old games and have fun four hours and years.

To protect our independence, we are dependent of our friends using the site. We run on donations averaging around 6 USD (5 Euro). If everyone reading this gave the price of a cup of coffee, our fundraiser would be made easier. If Abandonia is useful to you, take one minute to keep it online for another year. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia. Alien Legacy is an intriguing space strategy game designed by Joe Ybarra, who also designed the famous Starflight series.

It's an excellent mix of resource management, exploration, and colony building, all wrapped in an involving, well-thought-out plot.In 2043, humanity made first contact with an alien - and, unfortunately, hostile - civilization, the Centaurians. Faced with this overwhelming threat, humanity banded together under the banner of the United Nations and began pushing ahead in research to prepare for the coming interstellar war. One of the fruits of this research was the Bussard ramjet, which allowed ships to travel at relativistic speeds and reach the stars in a matter of decades.In addition to the warships built by the United Nations, humanity also constructed seedships, interstellar arks carrying cryogenically frozen colonists to distant star systems, to spread the seeds of humanity into the stars in case the Centaurians conquered Earth. In 2119, the seedship UNS Calypso was launched to the distant Beta Caeli star system.

A few years later, in 2135, the UNS Tantalus was launched towards the same destination. The Tantalus was much faster and was destined to reach Beta Caeli 21 years before the older Calypso.You play as the captain of UNS Calypso. Arriving in the Beta Caeli system, you expect to find thriving colonies founded by the Tantalus' colonists. But something has gone horribly wrong, and no sign of any active colonies can be found. Your task is to colonize the Beta Caeli system, discover the fate of the Tantalus colonies, and avoid sharing that fate.

You start the game with the Calypso, a few faster and smaller interplanetary spacecraft, some resources, and a bunch of robots and colonists at your disposal; more colonists will be awakened from cryo-sleep as the game progresses.The scope of the game is vast: there are eight planets, four moons, and sixteen asteroids to explore and settle, each with an enormous number of sectors you can search and often mine for energy, minerals or scientific findings. Using the planetary map, you can scan the world for useful resources (and later on for other items). You can then enter any sector with a vehicle, in a 'flight sim' 3rd-person view, flying over the terrain and looking for interesting materials to collect. Vehicles can also be used to set up colonies and space stations, as well as to probe more distant worlds.Once you establish colonies, you can build various installations in them in a manner similar to SimCity, ranging from factories to research laboratories. Their construction and operation requires resources – energy, minerals, robots, and humans. Some of these would have to be brought in advance from the Calypso or an older colony; later, when the colony is properly set up, it will produce resources on its own.You can also research various technologies using the Tech Manager. As the game progresses and you discover more artifacts, new research projects will become available.

Research requires time and science resources, which can either be produced by laboratories in your colonies or collected from planetary surfaces. New technologies range from improvements to existing vehicles or buildings, through new scanners, to altogether new building types.As the game progresses and you explore and colonize the Beta Caeli system, the plot is advanced through events presented to you by your advisors.

Shark boombox bluetooth. During the game, you will have to face and solve various crises in order to avoid the fate that has befallen UNS Tantalus. The game is quite long, giving you hours upon hours of enjoyable play and revealing a rich, complex, and well-written sci-fi plot. Once you complete the game, you will be given a score for your performance, allowing for some replayability by trying to improve on your score in later games.The only weak point of Alien Legacy is that combat can be controlled only at the strategic level. Once you reach a point in the plot where you are beset by enemies, you can decide where to station your vehicles and how to arm them, but the actual combat resolution is automatic.

You can, however, directly attack ground targets, which becomes useful as the plot progresses.The game's mouse-driven interface is very comfortable. The sound is also quite good, with nice background music and various sound effects. Together, the sound and graphics very well convey the mysterious atmosphere of the Beta Caeli star system.All in all, this is a very good strategy/exploration game with an excellent plot, a true gem which should give you many hours of enjoyable gameplay.

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